Monday, June 15, 2009


É com prazer que lhes apresento esta reportagem da campanha de prevenção rodoviária para o Governo Civil de Braga, que com muito orgulho participei na criação da imagem corporativa.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Recently I joined to the famous MYSPACE, where I find some great people there!

You can reach me there too:

Monday, August 04, 2008

Here's the brand new logo of my company, BEYOND IMAGINATION

Friday, August 01, 2008

Here is another mascot I create, a monkey for a themed space, that turned somehow fashion in my country, a party space where the kids can do their birthday party, and play along with their friends. The space is called "Macacadas", wich means something like "monkey business", part of a great ice-cream shop that had the great idea of open the space dedicated to all kids. That special place is decorated like a jungle, to push the kids' imagination to its bundaries, and even havea kid's disco... when I got the oportunity of going there, I'll post some pictures of the place.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another surprise was that huge advertising, by Kiwis Greensun, based on his own package that I create some time ago, that was posted properly on this blog last year...

It's an enormous plackard, outside the Kiwis Greensun company, and the mascot almost that salutes everyone that comes to the company. Hope they can continue exploring that mascot, trough some merchandising...if they create a plush toy, save me one, please!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

One of the chalenges of that prevention campaign was decorating two different bus, one that go to a travel circuit in my city, and other specific to transport the kids from their school to the Prevention School. We worked with some specialised company in order to best decorate all the bus. We had to redesign all the image in coreldraw to turn it in vectors. Here's the wonderful result, those colorful world gain an extra movement and add more colours to the roads!

I'm proud to present you the graphic image of a Prevention campaign I did with the support of the Civil Government here in my city. It was called "Estrada com Vida" - "Road with Life" and was meant to kids around 10-12 years old, to promote the safety on the roads. The campaign will last for two years, until 2010, at least!