Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Recently I joined to the famous MYSPACE, where I find some great people there!

You can reach me there too:


Monday, August 04, 2008

Here's the brand new logo of my company, BEYOND IMAGINATION

Friday, August 01, 2008

Here is another mascot I create, a monkey for a themed space, that turned somehow fashion in my country, a party space where the kids can do their birthday party, and play along with their friends. The space is called "Macacadas", wich means something like "monkey business", part of a great ice-cream shop that had the great idea of open the space dedicated to all kids. That special place is decorated like a jungle, to push the kids' imagination to its bundaries, and even havea kid's disco... when I got the oportunity of going there, I'll post some pictures of the place.