Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The previous house, taking place at night. As I said before, I love to ilustrate scenes taking place at night, because of all the mistery, the poetic and mood things. I love to paint all those shining stars and the allways bright moon.

This is the pumpkin-house who lives the baby elf along with his family, in the city of pumpkins.

This is the bedroom of the previous character, Soneca, lightned by the moon. This is still one of my favourites layouts I did, and led me to work on a great publisher, Porto Editora.

I love to work the mood, the atmosfere and lighting of my ilustrations, specially when takes place at night!

Monday, June 26, 2006

This little fellow is the main character to another short of Abre-te Césamo, a baby-gnome who live in a pumpkin city. To get his visual was so much fun !

This is the cover and poster I did to a short story I wrote, about Xang, a poor but clever chinese boy that dream become a great warrior. To chase that dream, he run away from home, and is kidnaped by an evil wizard...

At beginning, it was to be formated to comic book, then adapted to animation by Abre-te Césamo, but was laid down because of story-problems, it needed be re-adapted to a short, now I'm negotiating with a publisher his publication.

This is an olustration I did to this past year's Halloween, just for fun! Is a sort of Shakespeare-scarecrow with a pumpkin. "Be or not to be afraid, that's the question!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Some more characters were designed. These are Clara Cleide, a rock star singer and the Post-Crow, who deliver the mail to the castle...

See this ancient news to confirm pre-release of the TV serie:

These are the two main characters of the TV show, a child Dracula and a child Mumy, who love to play a sort of basketball with human skulls...I try to give them such a child-appeal, in order to not fright them away (the subject was a little creepy). I think children will love them!they're lovely, aren't they?

Friday, June 16, 2006

Here is the first poster I did for Abre-te Césamo, an audio-visuals company, who produced a 26" episode's brasilian TV show, "Draculinha, o Vampirinho" or in free translation, "Little Dracula, little vampire" (sort of...). I did all the characters and layouts designs. It turned to puppets by brasilian plastic artist Ana Maria Lavander, and some designs were modified to serve the format. Still I enjoyed participate in that adventure!

I really don´t have the information when it's going to air, when I get I let you know! I hope it showed in Portugal TV too!

Here are some of the posters I did to some portuguese publishing editors, ilustrations that make part of some "Learning English" books.
One is about farm animals versus wild animals, the other is all about colours...

Hi! Welcome to Beyond Imagination blog! In this short space I'll post some of the current works I've done in the past and present. Here is my first, an angel to Valentine's Day postcard. I hope you enjoyed! See'ya!